Thursday, August 13, 2009

Burqinis not allowed..

Just came across this article. Carole, a French lady, a convert to Islam, was forbidden from wearing a burqini (I need to find out if its really called that lol) which appears to be an Islamic-style swimsuit at a Paris public pool.

See article:
What I find hilarious is the comment made by the mayor:
Emerainville Mayor Alain Kelyor said "all this has nothing to do with Islam",
adding that the swimsuit was "not an Islamic swimsuit" and that "that type of
suit does not exist in the Koran".
I mean seriously, who is he kidding? Is he aware of how ignorant he sounds? Or does he think we're all fools who do not think this is discrimination pure and simple? Plus, hello, what did he mean when he said that "that type of suit does not exist in the Koran"??!!! I very much doubt you'll find reference to any form of swimsuit in the Torah, the Bible or the Quran!!

*sigh* the ignorance... and this man is an elected official. Says it all, doesn't it?

On a side note- I need to get me a burqini ;)

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