Monday, September 7, 2009

Water great, anyone?

Ok ppl, i know stuff like this has been floating around for a while now, and i've seen my fair share of it. But this!! And right here at home!! When i came across this email yesterday i just couldn't help myself!!! Read it out to my mom, my sis, my bro- we were all in tears hehe

nothing beats the "tabbouleh" translation loool the classical thing is that someone out there saw this menu and just couldn't resist scanning it and sending it out to the world looooooooool


  1. hey, my first comment!!

    glad u enjoyed it, DJ :) if ever in MCT, i'll treat u 2 a bebse, a chick and fleshy, a burger fach- whatever strikes ur fancy, provided there's no "tabbouleh" in the vicinity! ;)
